The ALABAMA ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization formed in 1983, seeks to heighten the public’s appreciation and understanding of ARCHITECTURE and to promote good design among the public and within Alabama Communities.

The Alabama Architectural Foundation advocates the education of our citizens about architecture, the enhancement of our built environment, the livability of our communities, and the preservation of our rich architectural heritage.

Architecture is vital to the health and self-image of Alabama’s growing and changing communities. The public’s awareness and appreciation of architecture is critical to the continuing creation of significant architecture. The Alabama Architectural Foundation (AAF), a non-profit organization formed in 1983, seeks to heighten the public’s appreciation and understanding of architecture among the public and within Alabama communities.

The Alabama Architectural Foundation develops and promotes a variety of programs to advance the public’s interest in architecture. Through scholarships, public speaking engagements, and various educational venues, the foundation’s principal aim is to generate an understanding and appreciation of the art and science of building, emphasizing the positive impact Alabama’s building community has in fostering our sense of place and purpose.

The AAF depends entirely on voluntary contributions from building professionals and concerned individuals like you for support. Your personal or corporate pledge will help underwrite future education and public outreach programs.

AAF Awards

ach year, the Alabama Architectural Foundation has provided an award for the Distinguished Architect and for the Significant Building.

Alabama Distinguished Architect Award:

Alabama’s Distinguished Architect Award is established and engineered by the Alabama Architectural Foundation to promote the ideals of the Foundation by bringing recognition to individual architects whose exemplary career achievements and outstanding service to society and the profession elevates them to a posture of distinction among their peers.
(See Recent Recipients)

Alabama Significant Building Award:

The Alabama Architectural Foundation presents an annual award to a municipality in Alabama that through the construction of a public edifice has demonstrated a significant contribution to the architectural legacy of the state of Alabama.
(See Recent Recipients)