2025 dreamARCHITECTURE Huntsville Artwork
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Juliana Bosma
“My dream zoo has a turtle and a flamingo. It has an alligator and a snake. I have a dinosaur and a panda. There is a unicorn and a monster. It’s a zoo for people.

Walker Odom
“My dream zoo is called The Animal Zoo. My zoo has about 10 animals in it and 1 is a turkey. I also have a komododragon. I have an orange jellyfish and it’s called the jack-o-lantern jellyfish. There is also a white bunny that you can pet. There is a tiny fish-sized shark. There is also a koala. There is also a 99 Ft elephant its really big. I do not have a giraffe even though there is one in a real zoo.”

Lila Ashcom
“My dream zoo has monsters. The aliens come to see all the monsters. The zoo is called Monster Zoo. Its in Huntsville.”

Maggie Shell
“My Dream Zoo is amazing its called The Animal Show Zoo. All the animals put on shows for the people that come. I have a monkey in the tree. He plays on it. I have a flamingo, elephant, hippo and an alligator. I have a tiger and a turtle. The tiger is the most popular show.

Leah Blicker
“My Dream Zoo is a gummy zoo. All the animals are made from gummies. There are gummy snakes, gummy puppies, sharks, and a gummy fish. There is a souvenir shop. I have a big parking lot for people to park.”

Mary Beth Rockhill
“MY Dream Zoo is called “My Zoo”. So My Zoo has a bus that goes on a tour around the zoo. There is a playground for the kids that visit. There is an area to get lunch and for parents to sit down when they are tired. There are also pigeons. I have porta-pottys if you need to go to the bathroom. There is a dog and a cat. There is a map in the front so you can see where you are. There is a unicorn area.”

Izzy Stevens
“My dream zoo is a science zoo. The scientist are animals. They experiment on animals and learn about them. They make cool-looking animals. There is a two-headed goat and a goat with 3 tails. There is a lion who checks on the two-headed bird. The giraffe wears glasses. The cages are strong so the animals can’t get out. The animals make different potions.”

Luke Atnip
“My dream zoo is in the sky. It fly in the air on a rocket and a hot air balloon. On the tip of the rocket ship is a cage for birds. A sloth is hanging on the side of the rocket ship. People look in the sky to see the animals. The zoo comes to you. You can see lots of animals. A big shark is being carried from an airplane.”

Ellen Mason
“My dream zoo is a regular zoo. It has all kinds of animals and a food court. It also has a vet just in case they get hurt. I has a welcoming water fountain. And last, it had a gift shop to buy all kinds of things! I hope you like my dream zoo!'“

Langston Hasley
“My zoo has a camel and other stuff. The background is a sunset.”

Althea Peterson
“My dream zoo has 8 animals it is a normal zoo. It has big through small animals.”

Lily Cole
“My dream zoo when you come in you will see a water fountain. You can go on a walk on the side walk it is so much fun! The name of my zoo is named the Cole Zoo. Now you know about my zoo.”

Lewis Bozma
“My dream zoo is called Zero Gravity Zoo. Everything in the zoo is zero gravity except the animal cages. The cages are exactly like the animals natural habitat. There are towers to hold up energy walls. To get around you go on a rocket powered ziplines. The zoo is invisible unless you buy a ticket. There is a portal to go to the animals natural habitat. You can rent a vehicle to go through the portal. The garbage you throw in trashcans go to the recycling machine. If you are old you can rent a hovering chair. The energy walls keep people from intruding but the invisibility does too. The zoo is in the Netherlands. In the gift shop there is some free books about animals. You should definitely visit my zoo. You will love it!”

Alyssa Steele
“This is my Zoo of Wonders were animals like to play. The funny hippos so tricks all day. They have a nice habitat (water included) and their obviously hilarious. The reading magic tigers are special and all they do is read. They lounge all day and fight over food. While the tigers do their thing, the blueberry monkeys are having a ball eating lots of bananas, and scaring each other around (Smell like blueberry’s). Everybody meet, King Kong. He is one of the largest apes in the zoo. And he is technically a king that gives lots of orders. Their cool! Their cute! They make syrup? These are the birds that make syrup and good at it. They get into fights some time, but they are pretty good at it. Net up, the web-siting spiders. They get on the website every day to learn about webs and their gigantic 9Free Pets!) High Five snakey. They are always giving each other high fives look like some cool kids. We are almost at the end but you cant miss the bear acrobats they are the most awesomest bears to ever live. Well last we have more bears the party bears they party your way out the zoo.”

Faith Knight
“My Dream Zoo is called bird zoo. People come to visit the zoo. There is a bird feeding room with cups to put the bird food in. There is a train to take you to the entrance or exit. The area of the zoo is The Bird Mountains. There is fun things like the playground showroom, bird feeding room, and a flamingo room. There is also restrooms off the path. this is a very famous zoo.”

Riley Vaden
“My drawing is about a zoo and an amusement park that is panda themed with a hotel and a train! And there are two panda cages and when you walk through the entrance you see this big Farris wheel and a roller coaster and a gift shop!”

Juliana Wilshusen
“I want to have a zoo, that has any reptiles or amphibians and a statue in the middle of it.”

Ainsley Gibson
“I have a dream to have a zoo that has mythic to exotic animals. I think it could be on the moon! You would take a rocket ship. I Would also want a black moving track, it would have an audio book, it would stop at different animals and would help blind people move around the zoo. I named the restaurant Amanda’s Place because my art teacher (Amanda Quillen) loves pizza! And pizza is Italian. I put someone proposing because my zoo is a good and romantic place! After 4:00 PM couples can come for date night!”

Dani Carwile
“My dream zoo has a awesome zipline to see all the animals. And you can into the predators habitat and they will behave. You can skate with the penguins their really nice. And lastly, If you cone to my zoo you will have lots of fun!”

Nyla Herron
“This zoo is called “The Nature Zoo”. This zoo has all sorts of animals like Red pandas, Swans, bears, and elephants. This zoo also contains an ice cream stand, bathrooms, and a special area called the chill room. In the chill rooms you can buy food and there are gift shops and a rest area where you can read books, watch movies and all of the above. If you go to the right of this zoo you can find a iccy animal part of the zoo in this area there are fish, sharks, polar pears, and penguins. There are a lot of animals to see so come visit my Nature Zoo!”

Anna Kate East
“My dream zoo is dedicated to my favorite cats ever. Cat tree park is where you can go in and pet all the cats you want. The cat café is my idea I really want to create when i get older. You can go over not water river and get snacks and then go to the cat coaster, sometimes I think the cat coaster is based on my cat Jinxy he is insane and he looks like a cow. So I hope you like cats and got to cat county zoo.”

Addison Fincher
“My dream zoo is amazing! My zoo is a sky zoo, and all the animals are on a floating island. To get to the animals, you ride on a flying hoverboard and fly around with the animals. We feed our animals with a flying food box, and the food magically refills. It flies around the animals and drops food on their habitat. The birds at our zoo get to fly around free, but they generally stay around the zoo. The artic animals are peaceful with each other they do not fight with each other. Hope you enjoy my zoo.

Zoe Veerkamp
“My dream zoo is made out of floating islands and rainbow bridges. There are floating cloud benches around the zoo.”

Ellie Shell
“My dream zoo is based off of Harry Potter. IT is near Great Britain. IT has a Hungarian Horntail, unicorn, Mandrakes and a lot more! Every Harry Potter fan goes here!”

Claire Pysh
Fourth Grade
“Why there are so many frogs is because one day at Legos I made something call “the frog café” so I started making the frog café I was finished building it and I got some ;ego frogs and I brought one of the Lego frogs with me to Taco Mama and I also brought some paper and my mom was talking to me about the dream zoo contest so I looked at my frog I brought and I started drawing some frog and then I though I can do a frog zoo!”